Previously known as the CryptoConnection, in 2023, the Tabb FORUM / Global DCA “Digital Asset Connection” Conference will evolve beyond its cryptocurrency roots into the broader thematic area of digital assets and will focus on providing insights, perspectives and dialogue around ‘building’ a solid foundation – or bedrock – upon which a dynamic digital asset industry may thrive.
As both traditional financial institutions and digitally native firms seek to re-orient, reposition
and BUILD during the ‘crypto-winter’ – this year’s event will draw attendees into interactive dialogue, intimate roundtable discussions, and knowledge sharing on the most pressing issues facing the industry:
Stablecoin and payment tokens
Current trading and exchange environments for CeFi and DeFi
Digital asset custody
Digital asset utility and purpose
Session topics and structure have been designed to cut through the chaos of the past twelve months and support attendees in taking those crucial next steps in thinking strategically, making the necessary industry connections and building the bedrock for institutional adoption.